These chairs are not a luxury…
They’re essential to providing the kind of care you’d want for your loved one if ever – heaven forbid — they needed chemo to save their life.
Your kindness today can help provide for 10 new chemo chairs that will:
…Recline so that patients who are feeling sick and exhausted or who have wounds from their cancer struggle can lie down when it all gets too much.
…Rise at the touch of a button so that frail, fragile and elderly cancer patients can stand unaided without needing a nurse to lift them up.
…Provide comfort and full-body support capable of cradling every patient — from a 6ft 7 man to a teenager struggling with leukaemia.
Please, will you rush your gift today and help make every chemo patient as comfortable as they can possibly be through the longest and most punishing hours of all?
People are living so much longer with cancer now. It’s a wonderful thing.
I met Sarah here on our ward around 10 years ago.
She was receiving chemo for breast cancer, and our little ones were around the same age — 7 and 8 at the time.
We’d chat about them like any mothers would while Sarah was hooked up to the IV bag — powerful medicine coursing through her veins as she fought to watch her little girl grow up.
You’d have admired her courage so much.
Sarah beat her cancer. But now our children are teenagers revising for their Leaving Certs, and Sarah is back here…
Diagnosed with cancer for a second time, Sarah must now once again face those endless hours in our chemotherapy chairs — the very same chairs she sat in all those years ago when she was battling cancer number one.
You know, if there was one person who made me realise how urgently our tired, worn-out, old chemo chairs need replacing — it’s lovely Sarah.
If you believe that Sarah, Deiric, and others fighting for their lives deserve to be as comfortable as they can possibly be during their treatments… please will you give today?
If you aren’t able to give right now, I understand. But if you can, your kindness will make more of a difference than you know.
Thank you for your generosity, your compassion, and for being the heart and soul of the Mater,

Nurse Sandra
Senior Nurse, Mater Cancer & Haematology Ward
The Mater Hospital