Sponsorship and Marketing Opportunities

Connecting with your clients and customers through a cause they care about creates a deeper, more meaningful relationship with higher levels of trust and loyalty, helping your business to:

  • Secure positive PR through sponsorship and branding opportunities
  • Improve your brand positioning and standout
  • Showcase your values & enhance your reputation

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship is a great way for your business to get involved in our campaigns or events and help the Mater Foundation do even more for critically ill patients from across Ireland. We will work with you to ensure that your business’s support is celebrated and showcased across all of our campaign or event materials and PR.

Cause-Related Marketing and Retail Partnerships

Cause related, retail and point-of-sale partnerships are a great opportunity to engage your customers and share your passion for making a social difference. We will work with you to develop a campaign and assets you need to make your activity a huge success and we will support your campaign across our media channels.

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Contact our Corporate Team

Get in touch here with the Mater Foundation's team to learn more about how your organisation can work together with us to make a difference to Mater Public Hospital patients.

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