Do It YOUR Way

Do you have a great idea for a fundraising campaign or initiative to engage your employees and customers and make a difference in our world? We will work with you on your big idea to help you bring it to life and support you every step of the way.

Whether it’s something as simple as a bake sale or as grand as a ball, we will work with you on your fundraiser to help make it a massive success. Here are some big and small fundraiser ideas to get your creativity flowing:

  • Head shave
  • Leg wax
  • Bake sale
  • Stationary bike challenge
  • Tractor run
  • Sponsored walk
  • Ball or Gala
  • Table quiz
  • Silent auction
  • Raffle
  • Golf event
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Get in touch here with the Mater Foundation's team to learn more about how your organisation can work together with us to make a difference to Mater Public Hospital patients.

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